Headings and Paragraphs(HTML)
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<title>Heading Paragraphs and Emmet</title>
<!-- we can create max 6 num of headings -->
<p>this is suraj</p>
<!-- lorem40 for creating 40 dummy words -->
<p>Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nisi deleniti nobis enim molestiae <strong>this is strong</strong> nemo impedit, corporis tempore fuga laudantium quisquam omnis <em>this is emphasized</em> doloremque mollitia voluptatem quis sequi provident iste dolor consectetur obcaecati distinctio eum totam sunt? Nesciunt, obcaecati. Ea, ut officiis.</p>
<!-- use strong tag instead of using bold tag -->
<!-- use em tag instead of using italic tag -->
<!-- this tag is for braking the lines -->
<p>first <br>this is second line </p>
<!-- tag to create horizontal lines -->
<p>this is a paragraph</p>
<!-- (ctrl+enter) to jump a new line without touchinh a mouse -->
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